Intestinal obstruction
An intestinal obstruction occurs when food or stool cannot move through the intestines. The obstruction can be complete or partial. There are many causes. The most common are adhesions, hernias, cancers, and certain medicines. Symptoms includeSevere abdominal pain or cramping Vomiting Bloating Loud bowel sounds Swelling of the abdomen Inability to pass gas ConstipationA complete intestinal obstruction is a medical emergency. It often requires surgery.NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
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Top doctors who continously share their opinions on Intestinal obstructionMedical Component OfHCM
Remained Incharge Medical Officer with Hon'Ble C.M of J and K for More Than 20 Years from Jan 2000 To October 2020
Govt. Medical College, Jammu
M.S (General Surgery )
Siddhivinayak Clinic
Lceh Gp
PHC Bichpuri and ESI Dispensary Chippitola Agra & SN Medical College Agra & Fatehgarh
Medical Officer Incharge
SN Medical College, Agra
Private Practise
Worked at Jalna.Latur. and Now Mumbai.
Consulting Surgeon
Consulting Surgeon.
M.S.,FICS,FAIS. Sr. Surgeon.
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